Betekenis van:
keep in line
to keep in line
- control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage
- Please keep my place in line.
- Please keep my place in this line.
- Friendly Reminder: Please keep in mind the closing time of the line you need to switch to, so as to avoid delays in your trip.
- The Authority will likewise seek to keep an equitable balance in line with already approved schemes’.
- The Authority will likewise seek to keep an equitable balance in line with already approved systems.
- The crisis unit shall develop its communication strategy in line with the case in hand in order to keep the public informed about the risk and the measures taken.
- In order to keep the present equitable balance, the EC Commission stipulated that it will only approve schemes giving rise to a taxload for the same tonnage fairly in line with the schemes already approved.
- maintain a tight fiscal policy, improves the quality and efficiency of public expenditure, keep wage developments in line with productivity gains, and enhance effective competition so as to strengthen competitiveness and reduce external imbalances,
- in order to preserve external competitiveness, and to contain the current account deficit and inflation, significantly tighten fiscal policy and urgently implement a binding medium-term fiscal framework, revise the composition of expenditure to increase the share of growth-enhancing spending, inter alia, by reducing and redirecting state aid to horizontal objectives, and keep wage developments in line with productivity growth,
- In line with the provisions of point 23 of the Framework Agreement, the Commission shall keep Parliament regularly and promptly informed about the conduct of negotiations until the agreement is initialled, and explain whether and how Parliament’s comments were incorporated in the texts under negotiation and if not why.
- Furthermore, and in line with the findings on market share, over the period considered, growth in production (15 %) and sales volume (7 %) of the Community industry did not keep pace with the significantly more favourable development of consumption on the Community market (24 %).
- This can be explained by the nature of the production process of this industry, where the personnel needed to keep the production facility running remains practically unchanged, regardless of whether the company is operating on full capacity or less, causing productivity to decrease in line with the production.
- Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, these details should cover any conditionality on the application of the guarantee in the event of any default under the terms of the security and the material terms of any mono-line insurance or keep well agreement between the issuer and the guarantor.
- avoid pro-cyclical fiscal policy to contain the growing current account deficit and inflationary pressures, keep wage developments in line with productivity growth and improve budget planning and execution as well as the quality of public finances by reviewing the composition of public spending and by reducing and redirecting State aid to horizontal objectives,
- A description of any arrangement intended to ensure that any obligation material to the issue will be duly serviced, whether in the form of guarantee, surety, Keep well Agreement, Mono-line Insurance policy or other equivalent commitment (hereafter referred to generically as ‘guarantees’ and their provider as ‘guarantor’ for convenience).